Hula ʻAuana
with Kumu Hula Puna Dawson
"Ka Liko Pua Kukui"
Note: All levels of hula and ages are welcome to attend.
Mele Hula: Ka Liko Pua Kukui (by Lokalia Montgomery)
As in the other hula session, participants will explore alaʻapapa, the foundational teachings of hula. The mele hula Ka Liko Pua Kukui was composed by Loea Hula Lokalia Montgomery, who was from Kauaʻi. For this mele, a set of kālaʻau will be used to express community while maintaining the rhythm's timing. This unique mele features dual melodies: an older, more traditional tune, as well as a modern-day tune.
Participants must bring one of the following hula implements to accompany this hula: ipu heke ʻole, pūʻili, ʻulīʻulī, ʻiliʻili, kālaʻau, or ʻukulele. This session will also feature an old recording of Kekauʻilani Kalama, Aunty Lokalia Montgomery, and Uncle Eddie Kamae.
Mele/Oli Aloha: All Verses (by Pilahi Paki)
This special mele oli was composed by Tūtū Pilahi Paki. In this session, all three (3) verses will be shared, as the composer’s intent was for this chant and its meaning to be shared with others around the world. As a result, various melody lines for this chant can be heard today.
(Moʻolelo and lyrics for both mele above will be shared with attendees.)
For all hula workshops, participants are expected to wear comfortable attire that allows for ease of movement and is culturally respectful. Additionally, participants should wear a pāʻū or a sarong/pareau suitable for hula practice.
Recommended for ages 8 and older.
Duration: 2 Hours
Class size limit: 30 participants
One time slot available:
Workshop Session 6 | Saturday, 4:15 AM - 6:15 PM

Your Instructor

Known to her Ohana as Aunty Puna e, Keikilaniwahinealiiopuna (Puna) Kalama Dawson resides in Līhuʻe/Anahola on the island of Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi. A Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner, Aunty Puna was reared with the ocean at her back, guided by her father, Uncle Charlie Kalama, Lua Hoʻomaʻamaʻa with her ten siblings in tow, her mother, Aunty Lani Kalama, Kumu Hula, and her Huna Grandmother, Lei Correa Defries.
Ka Ipu haʻa oʻ Kekauʻilani Puna's Hālau is acknowledged as Na Pua Hala, Hawaii, Europe, Japan, Canada & Vermont. The Hālau's purpose is to create a blanket of Hope & Peace throughout the world in the name of Aloha.